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Carl Goldberg


Written by Rachelle Haughn As featured in the November 2012 issue of Model Aviation. In his 72 years of life, Carl Goldberg held many titles. Boss, co-owner, flier, club founder, Hall of Famer, entrepreneur, “father of model aviation,” Nats champion, “Mr. Modeling,” perfectionist, husband, and dad are some of many. But to all who ever had the privilege of knowing him, the legendary Free Flighter was simply known as “friend.” October 27, 2012, would have been Carl’s 100th birthday. He accomplished more in his lifetime than any modeler or designer of his time could ever dream of, but his daughter believes that most remember him for who he was, rather than what he accomplished. “The thing that everybody always said to me was that he treated them so well,” Carol Lieberman, Carl’s daughter, said after shipping orders at Jet Glues—a spinoff company from one that her father started. “He had no sense that everybody wasn’t equal. He really liked people and that was the thing that I think impressed most people. “He had this huge respect for life, all life. He believed all people have creativity within them and they needed to be nurtured. He believed all people had the same basic desires for a good life and deserved a good life. He just took people for the best that was in them.” 1941 Carl Goldberg, Al Horback, Robert RederJack Butler created artwork and plans drawings for Carl Goldberg Models from 1968 to 1985. Jack stated, “He was a wonderful guy. He was very honest, very straightforward. He was just a gentleman. He was a good boss.” And when it came to what Carl did for a living, his work was top-notch and original. “He was probably one of the best [model airplane] designers in the country,” Jack said. Carl Goldberg draftingSome of the models Carl designed include the Valkyrie, the Clipper, the Zipper, the Blazer, the Ranger, the Eagle, and the Sky Tiger. One of his models, the Gentle Lady, was created in honor of the love of his life, his wife, Beth, his daughter said. “Carl was always thought of as the father of model aviation,” Jack said. “Everything that we came out with was a best seller and a good flier.” Carl’s passion for designing, building, and flying model airplanes apparently began when he was a child. “The designing started at a very, very early age,” Carol said. She has assignments from elementary and high school on which her father doodled airplane designs. “It was, without a doubt, a lifelong love for him,” she said. After graduating from high school, Carl enrolled at the University of Wisconsin. While there, he sold model airplane supplies through mail order. He had to withdraw because he had no money for tuition. Carol recalled a video interview conducted by AMA employees in the early 1980s where Carl admitted that he had no funds for college because he was spending most of his money on airplanes. Carl in Chicago snow holding planeCarl opened a hobby shop in Chicago in 1935 and continued to build and fly airplanes. He created the Valkyrie, a gas-engine-powered model, in 1936. Some models he flew weren’t of his own design. After unsuccessfully flying an aircraft designed by Comet Model Company, he decided to voice his dissent. “Dad wrote a letter to Comet complaining about their advertising claims and saying that they weren’t true and [the aircraft] couldn’t fly as long [as claimed], etc. Louis Kapp, one of the three owners of Comet, paid him a visit. Louis came by the model shop and discussed the thoughts [Dad] had and Louis asked, ‘Can you do any better?’” Louis left the shop with some of Carl’s models, tested them, and sold them. From there, came the contract for Carl to work for Comet. Carol said she has the contract of employment her father signed. It was signed in April of 1940, with a beginning salary of $40 per week. It later increased to $45 per week, she said. “That was pretty hilarious, how he came to work there,” she said. Carl Goldberg with Comet War Identification ModelsWhile working as chief designer at Comet, Carl met Beth, a secretary who was Louis’s cousin. “Most people think of [model aircraft] as my dad’s industry. It was my mom’s industry as well as dad’s because of her family,” Carol said, adding that her mother was not a modeler at that time. “They met and fell in love and married,” Carol said of her parents. Carl worked for Comet for roughly five years before starting his own company with Mike Schlesinger and Sidney “Sid” Axelrod, with whom he had worked at Comet. American Hobby Specialties, later known as Top Flite Models, began operations in 1947 and sold gas model propellers called Top Flite and Power Prop. In 1955, Carl decided to venture out on his own and start his own company with his wife. Carl Goldberg Models, and what he created while operating the business, is likely what made him a household name. “It was just kind of a natural thing [for him to start the company] because of his design background,” Jack said of why he believed Carl started his own business. In the beginning, Carl Goldberg Models sold a simple line of $1 scalelike kits, mostly made of balsa. The company later expanded to include glue. Carol said her father was reluctant to charge more than necessary for his products because he felt they should be obtainable for everyone. She said this likely stemmed from the fact that Carl’s father left his mother when he was a 1-year-old, and she struggled to raise him on her own. “Like most small businesses, my brother and I occasionally did a few things,” Carol said of Carl Goldberg Models. She became more closely involved in the business shortly before her father passed away. “I had a role at the end. My mom was much more involved.” Carol helped do mailings in the summer. “I ran [the company] for about the last six years.” Her father passed away in 1985, and she sold the company to Lanier in 2002. Jack noted that Carl designed most of the airplanes that his company sold until the 1960s when an employee took over. Carl Goldberg Models is known for airplanes such as the Senior Falcon, Eaglet, Swordsman 18, Shoestring Stunter, and Junior Tiger. Jack said nearly everything Carl built flew perfectly. “Carl was very much a perfectionist.” Jack said the designer likely had some airplane designs that he didn’t like hidden in a closet somewhere, so no one would see them. Carol agreed. “He was never satisfied with himself. I think he was an original thinker. He really didn’t believe in putting limits to creation or imagination,” she said. “It’s clear to me that he excited people with what he was able to accomplish that hadn’t been done before.” Carl Goldberg with plane in New YorkCarl was a perfectionist when it came to flying. He won first place in the 1934 and 1937 Indoor Nats. Carol remembers him staying up all night working on his models in the hangars at the naval bases where the Nats was held. “From as long as I can remember, we would all go to contests on the weekends,” Carol said. “Every summer our vacation was going to the Nats and we would take the ’52 Ford. Dad loved to drive. He was very particular about how the car was packed. That was quite a ritual and it was quite tense. And then when he got behind the wheel, you could literally see him unwind. “I remember the planes going up. Still, for me, watching FFs go up is one of those amazing things to watch. [I remember] those airplanes going straight up in the air with that engine screaming. Then, you jump into the car and [are] told ‘don’t take your eyes off that airplane.’ It was a fun way to grow up.” “He was a wonderful Free Flight flier,” Jack said. “He wasn’t the best radio flier. I flew a lot of his airplanes for him.” Jack was a member of the Suburban Aero Club of Chicago and said Carl was one of the founding members. Carl also founded the Chicago Aeronuts club in the 1930s. Carol said the primary focus of the Aeronuts club was to share aeromodeling knowledge with others, in an effort to advance the sport. “He was a great believer in openness,” she said. This belief in being forthcoming was something Carol and her brother, Bob, honored after Carl’s death. Their father had open-heart surgery in 1981, during which he was given blood transfusions. At least one of the units of blood was contaminated with AIDS. He passed away on January 28, 1985. “My brother and I chuckle that he was always a man ahead of his time. He didn’t fit the profile for how people contracted AIDS back then,” Carol said. “We felt we should make public how he died because we wanted to help people in the modeling community become familiar with this disease.” Before and after his death, Carl’s accomplishments did not go unnoticed. He was named an AMA Fellow in 1959, and was one of the first people inducted into the Model Aviation Hall of Fame. He was named to the National Free Flight Hall of Fame, the Vintage Radio Control Society Hall of Fame, and received the Howard McEntee Award in 1984. He was posthumously inducted into the Society of Antique Modelers Hall of Fame and the Kits and Plans Antiquitous Hall of Fame. Carl and Beth also ensured that others would receive the recognition that they deserved. They created the Carl and Beth Goldberg Vital People Award in 1983 to honor “vital people in the background of the modeling movement whose efforts to enhance the enjoyment of the hobby and whose accomplishments are seldom formally acknowledged.” Beth passed away in 1997. Carol doesn’t have any definite plans for honoring her father on the 100th anniversary of his birth, but she likely will reflect on the vivid memories she has of him when the day arrives. “The people who knew him very well sometimes had a love/hate relationship with him. He could be demanding, difficult. He was not a saint.” She said some may be surprised to learn that her father loved music. He had a beautiful singing voice and enjoyed composing music, she said. “From the time I was a small kid, I remember hearing him sing while shaving in the morning.” She said he also loved to write poetry. “He was an extraordinary father despite his faults. People could tolerate his faults because of the wonderful things about him.”Honors:1959: AMA Fellow
1969: Model Aviation Hall of Fame
1978: National Free Flight Society Hall of Fame
1984: Vintage Radio Control Society Hall of Fame
1984: Howard McEntee Award
1992: Society of Antique Modelers Hall of Fame
1996: Kits and Plans Antiquitous Hall of FameSOURCES:
AMA History Program



Submitted by Robert Walbroehl (not verified) on


I purchased the "Senior Falcon" way back in the day, and it was one of the best flying models ever. Thanks Carl for giving me a flawless RC plane to have fun with and show me how enjoyable it is to enter the hobby of model aviation.

Submitted by Steven Merrill (not verified) on


I remember meeting him (Carl Goldberg) at either the Toledo show or the Chicago Model show, at the Stephens Convention center. I was with my Dad, and I was about 14 or so. Carl shook my hand and smiled. I thought meeting him was like meeting a rock star.


Submitted by Clint Merrill (not verified) on


I am quite familiar with Mr Goldberg as a model airplane enthusiast and producer of designs and other related items.
I grew up during WW2 when model airplanes were at there peak. We lived in So. Cal. and our home was across the street from a neighborhood hobby shop, Werts' to be exact in Oildale, [ Bakersfield ] Mr John Werts his sons John and Homer were big buddies and we all shared bigtime free-flight trips to contests and some national records.
This being said I am so very glad to see the bio. and comments from Carl's daugher extolling the virtues of this fine gentleman, although I have never met him I do have the greatest reverance for him as a gentleman and pioneer in the model plane industry and hobby.
Ahhhh , the good ol days before electronic gadgetry !!!

Warmest and kindest regards
Clint Merrill

Submitted by Vincenzo Sabbadin (not verified) on


I'm an italian modeler from venice , my first rc model was jr. falcon with cox 0,49 and kraft rc i was 6/7 years old now i'm 55. thanks to carl and to my dad if already i enjoy to fly :)

Submitted by Glenna (Willia… (not verified) on


The first National I attended was in Willow Grove, PA, a great number of years ago. I was probably the only female flyer there and never did get my flights in. I remember Carl looking in on me and wishing me the best. I am now 94 and still go to the Muncie, IN, National Flying Field frequently to check in on the free flight. I still have a few friends in the game, of course the sons of the ones I flew with. It's a great hobby. My No. 6119. My email: [email protected]

Submitted by James Pyle (not verified) on


Great write up on Mr. Goldberg, maybe he will watch over me when I do the maden flight of my CZ Scimitar!

Submitted by Franny Brodigan (not verified) on


I have always been a big fan of Carl's models starting with the 1/2A Blazer and Viking and the Falcon56. I have built several of each. I have also built his Shoestring Racer from the 60's and the legendary Valkyrie free-flight converted to electric RC.

You can see my Goldberg models here:

Gentle Lady:
1/2A Viking:
and 1/2A Blazer:

I'm currently finishing up the FAI version of the Viking which I hope to have in the air soon.

Goldberg was an amazing designer and produced so many great designs. I and to build his Comet and Sailplane soon as well.

Thanks for the great article. Really enjoyable!


Submitted by James Price (not verified) on

In reply to by Franny Brodigan (not verified)


Hello, I remember back in the early 1970's building a Stuka, balsa build up fuselage and wing. I thought it was a Goldberg kit, do you remember such a kit? it might of been a Sterling, but i did not like the caliber of balsa and cutting in the kits, so i ""Steered clear"" when could. I was out of the hobby for many years, been back in for about 5 years now, and boy have ""Things Changed, I am 66 years young. Any assistance will be highly appreciated, Respectfully, Jim Price Face Book Jenuine Motor

Hi Jim! I checked with our archivists at the National Model Aviation Museum. The only catalogs and flyers that we have about Carl Goldberg Models in that era are from 1968, 1969, and 1976. There was no mention of a Stuka kit in any of those catalogs and flyers that we have.

Submitted by R.W. Dunn (not verified) on


One of my fondest memories is of my free flight Ranger. I had been flying C/L 049 powered Carl Goldberg profile models for some time when I decided to try FF. I had a little .020 motor and found a kit the Ranger 30.
I spent many an hour building the plane and tweaking the glide till I thought it was perfect. Finally the day came to see if all the work had paid off. I filled the fuel tank (mistake) I started the motor and once satisfied with the tuning of the motor I turned the little plane loose. The little plane clawed it's way sky ward to about one hundred fifty feet the motor stopped and the plane broke into a perfect glide. It scribed a sixty foot circular glide path through the sky, never seeming to loose altitude. My Father and I watched it fly away. Unfortunatly I lost that plane on its maiden flight yet the memory of the flight still makes me happy. Thank You Mr, Carl Goldberg for the wonderful design and an everlasting memory.
R.W. Dunn

Submitted by Frank Mintz (not verified) on


My first model was the Jr Skylane. rudder only and what a gerat flyer. Then it was a progression of Goldberg models: Falcon 56 which I flew until it fell apart with too much oil under the engine. Skylane 62 (one which I still have flying and its 30 years old!), Ranger, Extra 300 (two of them) and countless control lines in the early days before I could afford a radio for the Jr Skylane. If it was a "Goldberg" I knew it would fly well. Thanks Carl, I knew you through your models.

Submitted by Glenn (not verified) on


Began flying with a Falcon Jr. and numerous Goldberg Control Line Models, not to mention all the free flight! Just recvd a 30 year old Gentle Lady from an old friends estate. Still Flies great!! Thanks for the inspiration Carl!

Submitted by George Hostler (not verified) on


My 3rd R/C plane was the Goldberg Junior Falcon followed by the 1/2-A Cessna Skylane. Also built his rubber powered all balsa Stinson, a few others, Swordsman 18, Little Toot C/L planes. Still have a Falcon 56-III in the hangar. I enjoyed building his kits because there was reasonable quality assurance in each kit (not the usual die crunching or pine density balsa). Also, I enjoyed using the accessories (wheel retainers, control horns, spinners, and etc.). He had useful gadgets, one of them being the motor mount for the mountless Cox 290 C/L engines, which were left over when a ready-to-fly Cox plastic C/L plane met its end (usually in the first couple laps or less). This allowed the motor to be reinstalled in a balsa C/L plane. I was saddened to see the Goldberg company fade away. Thanks for sharing this interesting bit of history.

I purchased my first Gentle Lady RC airplane at age 9, in 1984. It was the the first RC airplane I built myself and undoubtedly the plane I taught myself to fly RC with. I always have incredibly fond memories of tossing that red glider off a hill repeatedly at my local schoolyard where I still regularly fly today. That plane and countless others like it including several more Gentle Ladies, Sophisticated Ladies and Electras are the foundation of my love of building and surely flying RC. I am now an accomplished furniture designer, fabricator and inventor and I can say that the meticulous detail, thought and inspired products that were Goldberg influenced my tastes and sensibilities profoundly. I never met Carl Goldberg but I always new he must of have been an amazing person. And I wish I would have or still could thank him for the effort he put into the hobby. So thanks Carl wherever you are. You make beautiful things.

My first FLYING model was the famous Falcon junior, babe bee.049, and a self made 2 chanels radio .. What a lot of fun , for years . That happened in the 70s, I' m now 67 ..
Thank you M Goldberg

Submitted by David Dickerson (not verified) on


I found this site looking for information on a boxed kit I received that clearly has some age on it. It is labeled with NEW FAI VIKING, so I would assume this is from the first release of the kit. While I appreciate model planes I am not a modeler so will likely never do anything with this kit. If anyone here is interested in purchasing the kit contact me at [email protected] with the subject FAI VIKING KIT.
Glad to see this post as I was wondering about some of the details of the maker and the age of the kit.

Submitted by Greg (not verified) on


Early 60's flying my Carl Goldberg "Buster" with my Johnson Stunt engine. Every weekend at the Jr. High field with my friends. We even attached ribbons and had dog fights with them. I should build another one.

Submitted by George Mills (not verified) on


Wow what a great read.
The fond memories of many Goldberg Models. I have had 3 Gentle Lady's and one still flies the first one was builtin 1987 and I taught myself to fly/crash with. That plane was crashed and rebuilt so many times and it seemed to always get better. The old guys at the local hobby shop swore by the GL. the last few months i have found several old Goldberg models around and can't seem to pass them up. It is kind of sad to seem most of the old models disappearing, I guess not that many people want to spend the time to build and learn how satisfying it is to complete a kit. Carl Goldberg is one of my hero's a true pioneer .

Submitted by Stan Jonutis (not verified) on


Built my first CG kit in the 80's- a Falcon 56. It was a real builder's & flyer's kit; not overbuilt and lots of attention given to aerodynamics - like the airfoiled stab. It flew beautifully all summer long at a Cape Cod field near where I worked at the time. Didn't even break a prop all that summer! I eventually sold it to a beginner to learn on. Somewhere, I also picked up a CG Skylark Jr kit & later found it in my stuff after a move back west. It was built from the start as an electric with two 400 size counter-rotating motors- a perfect combination! It flew great with just A-E-M, but I recently added rudder and it is now even smoother flying. Carl really was a genius designer of elegant airplanes!

Submitted by Stan Johnson (not verified) on


I manufactured a couple of R/C kits in the mid 1970's. I bought Goldberg hardware items for my kits in bulk from the Carl Goldberg Company. I was surprised when Carl himself answered my letter of inquiry and even more surprised for him to come by my both at the Trade Show in Anaheim CA. He asked if I was satisfied with his hardware products. He complimented me on my kits and wished me continued success. I'd always been told he was very much the Gentleman and a nice man. My brief encounter was proof to me that he was. My meager efforts in the industry and what little money I spent with his company had to be just a drop in the bucket. I was pleased and impressed that he would take the time to inquire in person if I liked his hardware.

Submitted by jim (not verified) on


When I was 12 or 13 I built Carl Goldberg's 1/2A blazer mounted with an OK cub .049. We had a field at the end of the street, but it wasn't big enough for FF. I got excited though, filled it with a 1/2 tank of gas, started it and let go, it flew beautiful and went out of sight. Never got it back, but the experience is a great memory for me. My father and I continued to build Goldberg models years afterwards, I was fortunate to work in a hobby shop while I was teenager, and sold many Goldberg kits.

Submitted by Carl D Carmichael (not verified) on


The first free flight trophy I won was in 1949, flying a Class A Ranger powered by a Bantam 19 spark ignition engine. At the 1950 Nats, I took a picture of Carl but was too shy to talk to him.
In 1978, at the Nats, I met both Carl and his wife. He shook my hand, opened the trunk of his car and showed me his latest 1/2A model and discussed his current thinking about its design. I was very impressed with his friendliness and enthusiasm for modeling.

`wonderful story sir. I am looking for a glider a1/a2? that has a pronounced underbelly just aft of the wing. any help out there? top mount wing....I think it was a Goldberg plan first flew it in 1990.

Submitted by Jeff hols (not verified) on


I have fond memories of building and flying Carl Goldberg models. I first soloed on the eagle 2 and still have it enjoy flying it. I have since built and flown the anniversary cub, the extra 300 and the ultimate 10-300 bipe. All have been great kits that built easily and flew very well. I am saddened that most of these kits are no longer available. So many Modelers I’ve talked to speak highly of these kits and wish they were still available. Great planes still sells the eagle 2, cub and tiger kits, but as far a I know the other remaining gems are no longer manufactured. Thanks Carl Goldberg for all the great modeling memories.

Submitted by Tom Hartman (not verified) on


I had the pleasure of meeting Mr Goldberg twice at the 2 Natipnal championships in Mass.
He actually remembered me at the second one even though we only met one time. His wife told me that he had a photographic memory. I had the pleasure of retrieving his FF model for him.
He died the next year.
I recently found an old kit of the rubber powered "Spirit of St Louis" that I BUILT AS A KID. the kit is in fine shape, except that the plans are partially eaten by Paperwhites [nasty little bugs]'' does anyone know where I may get a set of plans ?? Thanks ,Tom [email protected]

Submitted by Michael Solis (not verified) on


The Shoestring stunter was my first c/l model. Had a lot of fun with that plane..after a few too many crashes and repairs it started getting a little too heavy but I sure enjoyed it and learned to fly ukie with that plane...Thanks CG

The year is 2018 and I have Goldberg products in my home today. I have purchased and used Goldberg products since 1962. Way back in the day, I purchased Goldberg products because they were the best one could get. It was obvious to me personally. I admired the man from a distance although I knew not who he was. I did know that if the item had his name on it, there was no question that you were going to be satisfied with what you had bought. The world needs more like Carl Goldberg. It would be a better place

Submitted by Jeff Leverence (not verified) on


My Father, George Leverence, now 88, used to work for Carl in the 1950's. He built and painted models for him. My father was an perfectionist, so it was no wonder why Dad worked for Carl.

Submitted by Richard Ferri (not verified) on


As a teen in the 60's I saved my allowance and bought a Skylark kit. I assembled it myself and remember countless hours building the frame and wings to perfection. I never completed covering it as other interests like baseball took my time. I did hang it unfinished in my bedroom for years. It really was beautiful. I've googled the box cover image which I remember so vividly staring at and imagined one day flying. Good times. Thank you.

Submitted by Carl Gulbransen (not verified) on


I just now went back and capitalized the 'm' is models because I feel it deserves the respect.

I bought a Ranger 56 and Kraft "brick" 3 channel used. The airplane was in OK condition but it really needed an experienced model builder to look at it before I flew it. That said the rest of the story can be shortened to" It came home in little bits and pieces". I kept the engine, radio and wing. I determined that the servo mounting had broken loose from the airframe because of the old glue had dried and wasn't holding the controls in place and at very high G's and unable to pull out of a dive......well you know the rest.

That inspired me to buy a Gentle Lady to build and fly. This time I had a very expert builder look over my work before I covered and flew the plane.

I have been a pilot of actual airplanes since 1980 My first RC flight and crash was in 1978. The Gentle Lady came in about late 1980. I didn't finish it until about 1981 because of moving and changing locations.

It has been 35 or more years and I'm making an effort to return to the sport/hobby. Everything is so much better and so much cheaper as far as transmitters an receivers go. The "real" model planes are hard to get. I have bought two more Gentle Lady's and two Electra's off of eBay. I'm sure that there are lots of models that never got built. I'm counting on it. I plan to build and fly these until I fall off my perch.

The design and engineering that goes into building a balsa RC airplane or sailplane is obviously first rate on Goldberg Models. My all time favorite to build and fly so far is the Gentle Lady. It has such a sleek and beautiful design. Every time I go out to fly I always got compliments on what a beautiful plane I was flying. I can only take credit for building it not the design. The plane handles so well that on my first ever fight of the GL I brought it around to land and flew it right into my left hand and caught it. That is all it took to make me want to do it over and over again. I assure you that not all landings or hand catches went so smoothly as the first one!

Thank you Carl Goldberg for your vast contribution and beautiful designs. As long as there is air may you always be remembered!


Submitted by Marino van Ams (not verified) on


What else can i ad to this. My first flyer was a Midwest Aerostar .40. after that i got a Super chipmunk. The CG models are the best kits ever. Great designs and good flying airplanes. I had this Super Chipmunk back in the days and enjoyed the hell out of it for years, until i flow it in to the ground because of the servo tray came loose while in the air . I coulod recover the engine and receiver and resvo's, but the lookon a very windy day at the field. Now to my luck, i purchased a new on, found on ebay. I will be building this new kit in the winter this year. Seems like a got another chance to fly the Chipmunk again.

Submitted by steve (not verified) on

In reply to by Marino van Ams (not verified)



Ive just been given a complete Carl Goldberg Super Chipmunk that i am updating to modern standards, its complete, and needing covering, all there except a canopy, would you be aware of where i could get one ? regards


Submitted by BRAD LATRACE (not verified) on

In reply to by steve (not verified)


You can get canopies, engine cowls and other formed parts from Fiberglass Specialties.

Submitted by DL (not verified) on


My dad built a falcon 56 in the 70s, and it flew. he told me "if its a Goldberg model, it will fly". I have an anniversary CUB that i have yet to maiden. waiting for good weather......... life is good. thank you for this wonderful retrospective!

Submitted by al myers (not verified) on


i joined the suburban aero club of Chicago in the early 60's. i built and flew 3 1/2a blazer ff's. they flew perfect. i also built a falcon 56 which was my first multi channel. it crashed several times and ended on a neighbors roof before i got a digital radio (no one told me analog radios only except pushing 1 button at a time, then it flew great. carl was a founding member of the suburban aero club. after a few years we became friends. he took me to the palmer house hotel several times where the hobby show was for manufacture companies and hobby shop owners. in later years he took me to the nationals at Glenview air force base. that's the kind person he was. so now i am building an rc double size blazer. i bet it will fly great too. thanks again carl.

Submitted by Jim D Slaughter (not verified) on


We had a small model business in the late 60s early 70s Called Air Capitol Hobbies. We manufactured a line of 1/4 midget Pylon Racers and invented the very first synthetic oil fuel. I had met Carl many times over the years, at Toledo, or meets. We went to Chicago to see him and buy supplies. It was pretty funny. I'm sure many had the idea that Goldberg Models was in a fancy building. We finally found it by entering an OLD building that had a center courtyard. We had to ask! Carl Goldberg models was up a flight of wooden stairs almost worn through above a greasy old machine shop. Carl welcomed us to his tiny office with open arms after he cleared stuff off the chairs so we could sit! It was so tragic the way he passed. What a gentleman and icon in model aviation.

Submitted by Jerry Fish (not verified) on


Back in the’70s I learned to fly with a Falcon 56. Had two of them, they were easy to fly and fun.

Submitted by Ralph Turansky (not verified) on


My father competed against Carl in 1937 representing Western Pa. He told me that Carl had the best flying freeflight models. Carl's problems was he wasn't the best engine man. My dad could find that extra horsepower by blending the correct fuels. He wrote an article about fuels in one of Frank Zaic's yearbooks. I still have is ignition engine collection. 1947 McCoy .60 to Arden .19

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