Previous Issues of Model Aviation
During our conversion of recent past issues for our digital edition, two issues were not converted. While we don't currently have plans to make them available as part of our digital edition web application or mobile app, PDF copies of these two issues can be downloaded from here:

Model Aviation magazine for everyone! AMA is offering several Model Aviation issues as free downloadable PDFs. The files can be downloaded and viewed on virtually any computer or mobile device. We want to extend the joy of model aviation to all who are interested! To view Model Aviation magazines from July 1975 through June 2015, visit the Model Aviation Archive/Library at

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When you renew your membership, you are provided the option to add Model Aviation Digital powered by Hitec/Multiplex to your subscription. If at any point you would like to modify your subscription during the membership year, please select from the options below. You may also contact Jennifer Alderman at 765-287-1256 x223 or [email protected]. We'll be happy to help!
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