Exploring asymmetry with an unconventional configuration Article, photos, and design by Terry Dunn Read the full article in the May 2014 issue of Model Aviation.I recently set out to expand my understanding of asymmetric aircraft. When I began this quest for knowledge, I had the classic examples of asymmetry in mind—namely the Blohm und Voss Bv 141 and Rutan Boomerang. Both of these designs are proven successes, yet their unconventional configurations make one question how they can even fly in a straight line. My breakthrough came when I realized that nearly all propeller-driven airplanes are asymmetric to some degree. With one or more propellers generating a spiraling slipstream, torque effects, gyroscopic forces, and sometimes uneven thrust (P-factor), it’s a wonder that any propeller-driven airplane can fly in a straight line! Yet, straight and level flight was mastered a long time ago. After I realized that asymmetry is the norm rather than the exception, my question changed from “How do asymmetric airplanes work?” to “How much asymmetry can be tolerated?” I started with one confidence-building asymmetric kitbash of a Flyzone Red Hawk (see “The Joy of Kitbashing” in the August 2012 MA). Next, I set out to design an asymmetric model that would appear radically unconventional, perhaps even unairworthy to some, yet would have stable and predictable flying traits. The Parallax is the result of these efforts. The Parallax is slightly more than a modern adaptation of the Bv 141. I make no claims that any aspect of the airplane’s performance is enhanced by its asymmetry. My position is that little is compromised despite its asymmetry. This airplane is the foam-and-LiPo embodiment of the notion that airplanes don’t necessarily have to look right to fly well.
The Parallax is built with Depron foam and requires no ribs. Here, the carbon-fiber spars are being glued into place before adding the top sheeting.
The all-foam airframe of the Parallax produces a lightweight and easily repairable structure. This unit is ready for a coat of paint and finish work.
This late 1930s-style Parallax is an example of how diverse themes can be achieved with subtle differences in shapes and colors. Note that the motor is on the right side, necessitating a reverse-rotation propeller.
You may not believe it until you see it, but the Parallax flies normally. As long as you’ve kept it light and stuck to the plans (or the allowed deviations), you should have a well-mannered sport airplane with aerobatic capability. My adventures with the Parallax have satisfied my intent to learn more about the intricacies of asymmetric airplanes. I have also realized that understanding and utilizing asymmetry opens countless new and exciting possibilities for unique designs. I am far from finished with this foray into a seemingly untapped genre. If you’d like to join me, I think you’ll agree that the Parallax is a good place to start. Read the entire build article and see more construction photos in the May 2014 issue of Model Aviation. -Terry Dunn