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Paul Bradley


Paul’s column appears in Model Aviation bi-monthly: February, April, June, August, October, and December. His email address is [email protected]. I live in Independence, Kentucky and Brandon, Mississippi, and am retired from the world of Information Systems. My education includes a Bachelor’s degree in Aeronautical Engineering and a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering.
My interest in model aviation began around the age of 8, back in the early ’50s. The early days were devoted to CL and FF models. I built my first successful single-channel RC model in the early ’60s, a Ken Willard School Boy built from plans.
Many of my modeling years were devoted to flying competitive FF Duration models. As my chasing legs have aged, my modeling focus has shifted to electric-powered RC models, with a particular interest in models suitable for flying is smaller spaces.
I have a love for all things aviation related. In the modeling world I appreciate all of the different forms of the hobby. My personal models include sport aerobatic designs, scale models, and indoor fliers. I also still build and fly stick-and-tissue, rubber-powered Free Flights.
Along with flying model airplanes, I love building them from scratch and designing models using computer-aided design tools. A number of the plans I have drawn are available for free download from my website at
Model aviation has been a life-long passion that I plan to continue as long as the universe will allow.
