A Cub Pilot from Cuba
Roger Gonzalez
Miami FL
I would like to share this story with the readers of Model Aviation, is the modeling story of my dear friend and modeling buddy of 34 years Ed Roig, at age 86 he is still very active building and flying R/C, he is presently in the final stages of building a 1/4 scale Sig Bravo.
Ed got interested in airplane modeling at a young age and subsequently was employed by Hobby Center in Habana at age 22, a few year later his devotion to his work and helpful attitude with all his customers was rewarded by the owner of the shop by making him a partner with out him having to contribute a single cent.
Having a passion for u control speed, his flying buddies and him decided they wanted to come to the USA and compete in the Tangerine International meet representing Cuba, and with the help of the military they were flown to Orlando in a military C46 from FAEC (Fuerza Aerea Ejercito Cubano) to participate in the second annual event.
They proceeded to registration only to find out you had to be a AMA member to compete, they immediately signed up and became members, he remembers he was assigned a four digit number but he doesn't remember it, he recalls years later loosing his membership for not being able to pay his AMA subscription in 1960 when Castro made the US dollar illegal and relations with the USA broke down.
Ten years later he arrived in the USA and was employed by Orange Blossom Hobbies in Miami, where he continued working in the field he loved so much, years later family obligation saw it necessary to change his carrier, but his love of model making and flying R/C has never dwindle, his enthusiasm for the hobby is contagious.
Interestingly when I meet him in 1980 he was flying a 1/4 scale Cub on its maiden flight, that plane is still his favorite and still flies it regularly, he calls it his weekend warrior.
I have enclosed a picture and newspaper clippings of the event as published by the a local paper, that where recently sent to him by one of his flying buddies in Cuba , he is the fellow in the red circle.
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