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AMA This Week

You’re on Camera

You’re on Camera
Adding a webcam at your club field By Grant Schulte, Dan Fitzgerald, and Kevin Hyde [email protected] | Photos by the authors As seen in the December 2023 issue of Model Aviation. Anytime you

Partners in Flying

Father and son, Rolland and Ryan Mast, displaying their Cub .60 by the family cottage.
By Rolland Mast From the September 1999 issue of Model Aviation. Father and son, Rolland and Ryan Mast, displaying their Cub .60 by the family cottage at Indian Lake MI. It was one of their first

A Long Trip Around the CL Circle

A Long Trip Around the CL Circle
History Preserved By Michael Smith, National Model Aviation Museum Director As seen in the December 2023 issue of Model Aviation. IN MAY 1957, members of the Eugene Prop Spinners model airplane club

Scratch Foamie

Scratch Foamy
From the ground up, this RC sport design helps beginners go micro By Bob Aberle As seen in the May 2010 issue of Model Aviation. In 2003 and 2004, I authored 10 installments of the 31-part “From the