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AMA This Week

Racing Against Sunset

Racing Against Sunset
Team Effort to Break Closed Course Distance Record By Maynard Hill Photos courtesy of Roy Day, Scott Hill, and the author As seen in the October 1999 issue of Model Aviation. Crew was recruited from

A New Look at Vintage Aerobatics

A New Look at Vintage Aerobatics
The Senior Pattern Association’s newcomers guide to Aerobatics By Duane Wilson | Photos by the author except as noted As seen in the July 2007 Issue of Model Aviation. I wrote an introductory article

Introduction to F1E

Introduction to F1E
Imagine launching a model off of a hill, over a sloping alpine meadow into lift that pushes the aircraft higher and higher … By Bob Sifleet Photos by the author except as noted As seen in the May 2006

A Soaring Time Capsule

A Soaring Time Capsule
Radio Control Soaring By Dave Garwood As seen in the April 1997 issue of Model Aviation. A reader proposed this month’s futuristic topic: crystal-ball gazing into the prospects for RC Soaring. Andrew