Stan Alexander (pg 104) discusses winter projects. What major project do you have planned for winter?

Adding more aircraft to my fleet
32% (120 votes)
Repairing or modifying aircraft
25% (92 votes)
Brushing my skills on simulators
12% (46 votes)
Getting my workshop up to snuff
12% (45 votes)
I'm flying, it's warm where I live
14% (53 votes)
Why kid, I'll be doing nothing
4% (16 votes)
Total votes: 372


I already started two Ugly Stik builds from plans with some modifications, and I was going to build a 1/5.3 Scale Arctic Tern from Jerry Bates Plans, but I don't think I can afford it right now.

I have an ICON 1/5 Stinson Reliant mostly framed and some servos and control rods in place. The kit was missing the cowl but I had no trouble making my own. I don't expect to get it all completed before spring; but have lots of other aircraft that are airworthy.

Going through the 6 airplanes I own. I'm still pretty much a begginer and have been considering how generous everyone I've met in our sport is. 2 of my planes were given to me, nice ones too! Hoping to have everything up and running in the spring. Also enjoying some indoor fun at a local gym.

Winter is my flying season, because it is the only time I can fly without the risk of allergies & asthma. Snow drifts are a splendid aid for new pilots, as they often diminish the damage from harsh landings & depth perception errors. Frozen lakes make ideal airfields.

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