Written by Larry Kruse
Build your own park-ready delta wing
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With simple and economical construction, the Avro Vulcan has a high enjoyment-to-cost ratio. Little time investment is needed to get it from a flat foam board to a good-flying model. I was recently introduced to the world of flat-foam flying, and I’ve found it much like trying to eat just one potato chip. After constructing and flying two manufacturer-produced flat-foam airplanes (one Depron and the other foam board), I wondered what else might lend itself to a flat-foam presentation. Noting that many flat-foam jet-like models take their inspiration from modern-day fighter aircraft such as the F-22 Raptor, the F-15 Eagle, and the Russian MiG series, I began looking at an earlier era of jet aircraft—particularly those designed during the Cold War era, spurred along by the new nuclear age. Scanning the aircraft of that time brought me to the Avro Vulcan (now called the Hawker-Siddeley Vulcan) and its delta-wing planform that lends itself well to mid-fuselage motor placement in a pusher configuration. Development of the full-scale Vulcan began back in 1947, shortly after World War II. The nuclear age required an entirely different platform for high-altitude delivery of nuclear ordnance. Built to mission specifications, the Vulcan went through several iterations before arriving at the “kinked-and-drooped” wing shape of the production version. Using several three-views and photos of the prototype, I sketched a model that would fit a 99-foot wingspan onto two 30 x 20-inch sheets of 3/16-inch polystyrene foam core board. I used inexpensive paper-backed foam board rather than the more costly Depron. This generic 6mm foam board could be purchased for roughly $1 per sheet at Dollar Tree or craft-supply stores. The airplane could be powered by an inexpensive outrunner motor and ESC, making it a low-cost project with a minimal time investment that still provides the illusion of a jet aircraft in the air. Although the word scale and the phrase “flat-foam construction” are not mutually exclusive terms, their relationship can be described as loose at best. Flat foamies provide a scalelike impression in the air, achieved with a minimal investment of effort, time, and money.Construction Sequence
Free plans for the Avro Vulcan can be downloaded at www.ModelAviation.com. Two sheets of 6mm foam board, a 2826/10 size motor (or similar), a 35-amp ESC, a 7 x 4 electric propeller, two 9-gram servos, a hot glue gun, and 5-minute epoxy will get you on your way to putting your own Vulcan in the air in no more than a couple of evenings. Any radio with elevon mixing capabilities will work as the control unit for the airplane. All foam parts should be carefully cut out before assembly begins. A disposable #11 scalpel was the perfect tool for cutting cleanly through the foam board laminate, but a sharp #11 hobby knife blade will suffice. Make sure that you make all cuts with the knife held vertically. If you happen to cut an edge that ends up slightly slanted, it can be quickly squared using a T-bar sander faced with medium-grade sandpaper. Two characteristics of foam board that make it attractive are that it cuts like butter, and if you mess up a piece, you can easily and economically cut another one! Use the following sequenced assembly process as a checklist as you complete of your Avro Vulcan. 1) You will need to back each template with lightweight poster board. Any type of rubber cement or spray adhesive can be used to attach the patterns to the poster board. After they are glued down, the final template shapes can be cut out with scissors and a hobby knife. After the templates have been made, trace all of the parts onto the foam board using a soft lead pencil. A pencil is recommended for tracing around the parts because you can erase it if you stray from the template lines.Image

The modestly priced powertrain chosen was a Turnigy 2826/10 1,400 Kv motor, a HobbyKing 35-amp ESC, and an APC electric propeller. The 6 x 4 propeller shown was later change to a 7 x 4 for greater efficiency. The 3S batteries, ranging from 1,000 to 1,300 mAh, require only a slight shifting of position on their hook-and-loop mounts to achieve the required CG.

There are only five fuselage pieces. Use 5-minute epoxy to laminate the bottom fuselage center pieces. Although only one wiring hole is shown in the photo, the plans template has additional wiring crossover holes.
2) Place the bottom front plate flat on your work surface and apply a bead of hot glue to the top of one outside edge. You need to work quickly before it sets up. Stand one of the fuselage side rails on edge and attach it to the bottom front plate at the notch. Repeat for the other rail. The rails should be squarely installed so they will align with the outside edges of the propeller clearance slot in the wing. You might want to use a scrap piece of foam board as a spacer at the back of the rails to ensure they maintain a constant width from front to back.

Step 2 The fuselage front bottom plate is hot glued into the notches of the two fuselage side rails. An extra bead of hot glue will increase its strength.
3) Epoxy the bottom curved fuselage center pieces together to make a double-thickness laminated fuselage former. Apply a thin coat of epoxy to one side and keep the two pieces aligned while the epoxy cures. 4) Place a piece of waxed paper on your work surface large enough to extend beyond the joint in the two wing pieces. Spread a thin bead of 5-minute epoxy on the rear of the front wing piece and slide it into contact with the main wing panel. If any epoxy oozes out of either side, wipe it off immediately using a dry paper towel. Weight the two pieces down to keep them flat, and allow the joint to cure.

Step 4 The wing is constructed from two pieces epoxied together and weighted to maintain a flat, warp-free flying surface. Sheets of 6mm foam larger than the 30 x 20-inch foam specified in the text will allow you to cut out the wing in one piece.
5) Mark a centerline in pencil on the top and bottom of the wing, using a long straightedge. These two lines will be the reference points for joining the remaining parts to the completed wing panel. If you need to enlarge the cutout to use a larger motor and firewall, now would be the time to do it. 6) Glue the laminated fuselage former to the bottom centerline of the wing with hot glue, reinforcing it with additional beads of glue on both sides.

Step 6 The bottom fuselage center laminate is glued to the bottom of the wing using a centerline drawn as suggested in the construction notes. A bead of glue should be applied to the full length of the joint on both sides.
7) Place the fuselage side rails and bottom front piece unit over the bottom of the wing and mark a line on each side for their respective locations. Glue the unit in place by running a bead of glue down the lines you marked and placing a bead of glue into the notch in the laminated fuselage former. Reglue the side rail joints on the inside and outside for additional strength.

Step 7 The front bottom plate and fuselage side rail assembly fits into the notch in the fuselage center laminate and the rails are glued to the bottom of the wing. An extra bead of glue should be added to the wing/rail joints on both sides.

Step 8 After cutting out the main wing panel, the ailerons can be separated using a steel-edge ruler and a scalpel or sharp hobby knife with a #11 blade.

The top of each elevon is hinged with a strip of Blenderm tape across the full length of the piece.

The elevon is then bent flat over the top of the wing and two pieces of Blenderm tape are placed 90° to the wing/elevon joint, spaced at an even distance from each end. Note that the elevon’s LE has been sanded to a triangular or chisel shape to allow the joint to bend and not bind against the back edge of the wing.
8) Turn the wing over so the top side is facing up. Sand the bottom of each elevon to a wedge shape to taper the leading edge (LE). Hinge the pieces with a piece of 3M Blenderm tape or Scotch Magic Mending Tape placed over the top seam of each elevon and wing joint. Fold both elevator/aileron pieces back flat against the wing surface. Put two pieces of tape at right angles to the elevon and wing seam on each side, spacing out the tape for strength and flexibility. 9) Glue the front top piece (cockpit area) of the fuselage in place, reinforcing it with additional beads of glue on the side. Now glue the rudder piece in place in back of the propeller clearance slot. Make sure it is both vertically and horizontally straight, and then add an additional bead of glue along each side seam. 10) The final fuselage piece is the bottom fairing aft of the propeller slot and directly beneath the rudder. This piece adds strength to the aft fuselage tail cone. Because it is well away from the propeller, it can be used as a grip for launching the airplane. It should receive an extra bead of glue on both sides.

Step 10 The rudder and the bottom fuselage piece both have a notch at the front to clear the propeller spinner. The tapered tail cone shapes add strength to the aft end so it can be gripped to launch the airplane.
11) I found it easiest to bolt the motor to the motor mount and then install the entire unit to the cruciform mounting surface using 5-minute epoxy. The epoxy allows tweaking during the curing process to make sure the thrustline remains at 0-0. After the epoxy sets up, I used a second coat to build up fillets between the back of the motor mount and the foam board cruciform.

Step 11 The motor mount is glued in place using 5-minute epoxy. A second coat is applied to build up a fillet all around the back of the motor mount where it joins the fuselage/ wing juncture. It’s easiest to epoxy the complete assembly in place in order to assure a 0-0 thrust angle.
Radio Installation
The area between the main laminated fuselage former and the fuselage side rails on both sides allows ample space to mount the receiver, ESC, and battery using industrial-grade hook-and-loop material. It’s easiest to do a mockup of the layout before attaching the hook-and-loop material.Image

Radio Installation This view shows the placement of the receiver and servos. The ESC is mounted under the front bottom plate, with the battery attached to the side of the fuselage as far forward as necessary to achieve the CG.
Hot gluing it to the foam board works better than trying to use the self-sticking variety. The cutouts in the main fuselage former allow the wires to be moved to whichever side of the fuselage is required. It’s wise to move the ESC as far forward as the length of the motor wires allows, to achieve proper center of gravity (CG) without needing to place the battery too far out on the nose area. The two 9-gram servos are slipped into their respective cutouts and hot glued in place. Center the servos before attaching the pushrods to them and to the control horns. GWS servo keepers, along with Du-Bro Micro Control Horns and Micro E/Z Links, work well with the .047-inch music wire pushrods. The control horns should align with the servo arms. I drilled pilot holes for the control horn pins and used foam-safe CA glue to lock them in place. Because I was using my trusty Futaba T6J transmitter and R2006GS receiver, it was simply a matter of going through approximately five screens to set up the elevon mix. My starting point for initial test flights was 80% control throws and 40% exponential.

Servo Installation The servos are hot glued in place and the control horns are glued in place using foam-safe CA. A Dubro mini-keeper is used to lock the pushrods to the control horns.
Preparing for Flight
After the electronics were installed, I finished the model in the color scheme and markings of the prototype high-altitude Avro Vulcan—an easy task because the airplane was all white with few markings! I did a Google search for “Royal Air Force roundels” to find the fuselage and wing roundels. I printed them on plain paper and used spray adhesive to attach them to the foam board. All other markings were cut from MonoKote trim sheet and adhered to the foam board as you can see in the photos.Image

Markings for this version of the Vulcan are minimal. The cockpit markings are from a MonoKote trim sheet and the RAF roundels were printed and attached with Elmer’s spray adhesive.
Foam board does not like moisture—including high humidity—so you might want to seal it. Some modelers have found that Minwax oil-based polyurethane (not the water-based formula) works well.

The delta-wing planform is distinctive in the air, providing the in-flight illusion of a complex, scalelike Vulcan bomber.
One of our club members had success with brushing Minwax on and wiping it off with paper towels before it dried. He then sprayed his airplane with rattle-can paint without causing any warping. Sealing in such a manner would have to be done after the airplane is constructed because hot glue won’t stick to Minwax polyurethane. Although the model presented here doesn’t have any finish on it, the later low-altitude version of the Avro Vulcan has a striking green and gray camouflage scheme that could be applied after sealing the foam board. I used a 3S 1,000 mAh battery for my first flights with the prototype, moving the battery forward as needed to attain the CG, and checking all of the control throws to make sure they were equal and moving in the correct direction. Make sure the motor is turning in the right direction by removing the propeller and attaching a small piece of double-sided masking tape to the motor shaft. Slowly run the throttle lever up. If it’s rotating backward, simply switch any two of the motor wires in their ESC sockets. When reinstalling the propeller, the pitch numbers on the front of the propeller should be facing the motor case to achieve the greatest efficiency.
The Avro Vulcan in Flight
Control surface deflections were set to 1/2 inch up and down, and the airplane was launched with roughly four clicks of up-elevator to indicate which way it needed to go. That proved to be the right amount, with some of the up-elevator removed when the desired airspeed was reached. The tailcone in back of the rudder was intended as a convenient object to grip to launch the Avro Vulcan with your hand aft of the propeller and out of harm’s way. Using that technique, the model can be pointed upward at approximately 45°. When the motor is brought up to nearly full power, the model will simply leave your hand with no need to throw it.Image

The Vulcan’s glide is slower than walking pace with no tendency to tip stall. Note the nose-up angle of attack and the position of the elevons as it sets up for a landing.
From the first launch, it proved to be a stable, fully acrobatic model capable of achieving high speeds and less-than-walking-speed landing approaches. It never showed a tendency to tip stall. When it was throttled back to stall speed in the air, it dropped its nose slightly and mushed straight ahead. It is a comfortable, visually exciting airplane while in the air. I want to thank fellow club member Paul Phillips for his steady hand at the controls so I could capture flight photos, and Chase Watkins for his construction techniques that I adapted to the Avro Vulcan to make it a lightweight, but sturdy design. I’m pleased with this foam-board project. Given its minimal cost and quick construction, I think you will be, too. —Larry Kruse
Avro plan instructions
Are you asking how to copy
Are you asking how to copy the instructions to your computer? I'd like to do that too so I do not have to print a ton of pages.
6 mm foamboard
I can't find any 6mm foamboard, as specified in the instructions. Any help?
On most of the downloadable plans that I have worked with there is a ruler, scale on the plans. This helps one know that once the plans are printed,,,,if the ruler/scale measures correctly (exp. if a 6 inch ruler actually prints as 6 inches),,,,,they are printed out to the right sizing. I don't see this on your plans for the Vulcan. I just want some way of knowing that the plan that I print is the sizing that was intended. Everything else in your article and the build instructions is spot on and done very well. I look forward to building this bird. Thanks for your effort!
Scaling of Avro Vulcan plans
Hi Marty,
To properly print these plans you must open the pdf file in a program such as Adobe Acrobat Professional. When you go to print in the print dialog box set your page scaling to "tile large pages" and check off the boxes that say "cut marks" and "labels". You will get perfectly scaled and tiled pages to tape together and make plans. Option 2 would be to take the file on a flash card to Staples or some other office supply store and have them print out the file to the size of 33" x 42.5". Good luck.
I enlarged it 15%.
I enlarged it 15%.
Looks like a pretty nice
Looks like a pretty nice design
Without measurements on the plans (or in the instructions), it seems difficult to replicate this model. Are we to print the plans on six 8.5"X11" sheets of paper and tape them together? I am new to this, so having the plans print out on a single 8.5"x11" sheet does me no good. Any help?
Tiled plans
I was wondering if there are some 'tiled' plans available? When I try to print out the plans it wants to put it on one letter sized piece of paper, which I know is wrong. Any help will be appreciated.
I am looking for a new
I am looking for a new project. I like the concept.
I am going build one.
I am going build one.
Thank you for all of the
Thank you for all of the Wonderful AMA Efforts to keep our Hobby Alive!!!
Jerry Alvarez
how big do i have the plans printed
since it does not say anyplace that i could see after reading the complete article ....i was wondering if anyone can tell me and any of us who would like to have the drawings printed....how big should they be????? i do understand that after butting up the plans that we will use two pieces 20x30 to cut all of the parts out of....but what is the size of the drawings
Looks like fun to bild and
Looks like fun to bild and fly.
Avro Vulcan
its Build.
A great project!
A great project!
Printing plans
It would be nice if You could tile these plans like they do on Flitetest.com !
Most of us have no way to print these out full size and I do not have the know how to edit it to tile it for printing!
Vulcan Dimensions
I agree about having measurements. If a 6" prop is used, then the opening for it would be 7"? Using that as unit of measurement it appears the length of the wing is about 16" Am I close?
What is the CG location on
What is the CG location on this craft? Perhaps it is determined by how it flies?
Thank you.
Will be my first attempt at
Will be my first attempt at working with foam sheets.
Vulcan plans
I've built many models from foam board, although I got warping using the cheap Dollar tree crap. It will warp in a New York heart beat, even after sealing. The stull I use is from Office Max or Office Depot, although it's WAY more expensive. Stays true and straight through build and flight use.
Now, down to this build. Previously, I have been able to print portions of the plan's full scale and taping the sheets together to form full size plan. Can't find any way to get this function here !!. Am I stupid er what?
Printing plans
The text is fine but the tile feature on Adobe does not work and the available adjustments that were in Adobe are no longer on screen. This is since an upload from Adobe recommended by the
"free" Adobe install directions. This desk top is running Win 8.1. Have tried looking on the web for software with the tile feature and none found so far list this feature. The deceased desk top running Win XP pro and supposedly the same Adobe load did tile and was used often. The lack of an inch scale on the print means that having a copy shop expand the screen print is not real practical. This problem is not with only my system but the number of us still building seems to be a small part of the market as Adobe tech support either has no clue or are being told to stone wall on the issue.
Printing plans from an iMac.
When I print from my Mac all get is one 81/2 x 11 sheet with the entire airplane on it. How do I print in poster mode with a Mac?
Thank You.
Thank You.
Vulcan Plans
I agree with Marty that there is no scale shown on the plans. Plase advise as this looks as if it would be a great project for the Boys and Girls Club
size for build
thank you whomever for the web address for the plans
I wish to thank the person or persons for the web address for the full size drawings/plans.....i was able to easily go to that web address and be able to print it on 15 sheets 8x11 scrap paper sheets and will be able to assemble the 15 sheets into a complete drawing and then cut the pieces out using those assembled 15 sheets...then using the cutouts i can cut out all the parts and assemble the plane....thank you ...thank you...made life easy for all of us and won't have to go to anyplace to have them printed...although i may anyway do so just to keep a full size set of the plans for the future....will let you all know when i get to the flying to tell you how the plane does....thank you alll Jack Kallin...Payson Az
full plans
Plans download problem
No matter what I do cannot D/L any of the AMA free plans. I always get the "Page not available" thing. I also wanted Dennis Normans peanut Fokker DVII.
save as...
This will be my first attempt
This will be my first attempt at building with sheet foam looks like it is going to be a blast to fly !! Thanks AMA
Nice plan and build log. I have everything needed to build in spare parts bin. But where is the Cg.
Thanks, ron
Sorry, finally down loaded the plans, GC marked on the plan
Thanks, ron
How can I copy the instructions to a file on my computer?
Is there any way to save the instructions to your computer? Looks like I may be able to print all but takes tons of ink and paper.
witch prop?
Hi quick question do I need a regular prop or a pusher prop does not say? I am looking at the master Airscrew prop 7x4 from Hobby King. Thank you
I used a pusher but you can
I used a pusher but you can use a regular just make sure the side of prop with the writing on it faces the motor
I built the Avro Vulcan and
I built the Avro Vulcan and used the same motor/esc and it is way under powered. I could only keep it in the air with 90 to 100% throttle. Plane is heavy
Motor/esc/prop combo
This is good to know as I was just about to purchase the exact same motor/esc/prop combo. Did you go with something else? What else would you recommend?
Avro Vulcan
Sorry that was your experience. if you built the plane to specs it should weigh a nominal 14 ounces and the recommended motor/ESC and battery should provide plenty of power, even to the point of unlimited verticals. One common experience people sometimes have with a pusher configuration is that they forget to put the prop on so that the pitch and diameter numbers on the prop face the motor. Facing the usual tractor direction with the numbers on the prop facing out and to the rear of the plane could give you what you are experiencing. Hope this helps!
Best regards,
Larry Kruse
Reciever needed??
Did i miss something in the specs??? How does this plane communicate without a reciever???I have a spektrum dx7----How do u bind to my radio without a reciever??? and how does it recieve it signals for speed and control
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